Cleaning, Disinfection and Maintenance Guide

In order to keep the radiation protection products in perfect condition for a long time, there are certain things you should be aware of. Read this short guide carefully to learn the necessary instructions.

Storing and Transporting

(1) When not used, keep the aprons, vests and skirts hung up. That is the best way to prevent their material from becoming damaged.

(2) Smaller products (e.g. caps, thyroids) are to be laid on a level surface.

(3) Do not fold the protective clothes unless it is necessary to do so (see below), because that may cause cracking or braking of their material.

(4) When packaging the product, the cushioning material is inserted between the products to prevent self-compression. If it is opened during storage or unpacked and repackaged, it is important to keep it folded well like the first packing (The cushioning material is inserted between them) to keep it from crumpling.

(5) Non-personal radiation protection elements (e.g. barriers) do not require special way of storing.

(6) Keep all radiation protection products away from direct sunlight, moisture, extreme temperature, corrosive, reactive and/or explosive gases and/or liquids, flying dust, and – if they are not being used – any forms of radiation.

(7) Do not break the material of the radiation protection products. Warning: in case of breaking lead products, hazardous lead dust may be emitted into the air.

(8) Handle with caution. Do not throw the apron or hit it with great force because it may cause deformation or breakage.


(9) In all cases, it is recommended to apply the solution used for cleaning on a piece of cloth and wipe the radiation protection product with the cloth. Applying certain solutions in concentrated form on the protection product might cause damage to their fabric.

(10) After cleaning the product, it is recommended to rinse it by wiping another piece of cloth soaked in cool or cold water, then wiping it dry with a dry piece of cloth.

(11) Diluted soap or detergent generally used for all-round cleaning purposes is the best suitable for removing dirt or water soluble stains (e.g. blood, saliva) from the fabric. It is recommended to remove stains as soon as possible.

(12) In case of stubborn stains and/or certain contrast media the surface of the product may be scrubbed gently with a soft brush, using mild detergent or soap solution.

(13) Iodine stains may be cleaned with sodium thiosulfate solution.

(14) Do NOT use for cleaning any radiation protection products the following compounds and/or solutions:

– Acetone and acetone-based agents

– Agents with active chlorine (e.g. bleach)

(15) In case of doubt, try to apply a small amount of the solution (whose usability is questionable) on some surface of the product where its protection is not relevant (e.g. the back of a strap). Wait 15 minutes, remove the solution and wait another 15 minutes. If the surface of the product looks undamaged and its colour has not changed, the solution in question is safe for using.

(16) Do NOT put the product into the washing machine.

(17) Do NOT put the product into the drying machine.

(18) Do NOT iron the product.

(19) Do NOT apply water warmer than 40°C on the product.


(20) The recommended way of disinfection is the same as it is suggested for cleaning: apply the disinfectant on a piece of cloth, wipe the product, apply cold water on another piece of cloth, wipe the product for rinsing, and wipe the product with a dry piece of cloth.

(21) Radiation protection products may be disinfected with water-based quaternary ammonium-based disinfecting agents.

(22) Radiation protection products may not be sterilized with ETO gas.

(23) Do NOT autoclave the products.

(24) Do NOT use gamma irradiation for sterilizing the products.

Waste disposal

(25) Products contain lead count as hazardous waste. Consult your local authorities regarding their waste disposal.

(26) Lead-free products do not count as hazardous waste. Consult your local possibilities regarding recycling the products.

(27) Have your radiation protection products examined yearly. Do not use products whose protection level do not match the specifications.